Unraveling Economic Complexities: US Lessons for India’s Future

The state of the US economy has become an enigmatic puzzle, subject to divergent narratives that paint contrasting pictures of prosperity and recession. Headlines herald a robust recovery marked by low unemployment and job growth, suggesting that the Great Recession is a distant memory. However, beneath the veneer of optimism lies a darker reality – an economy where inequality continues to widen, and warning signs … Continue reading Unraveling Economic Complexities: US Lessons for India’s Future

Removal from the US monitoring list: A Big Win for India

Introduction Last week, the US department of treasury withdrew India from its currency monitoring list. Along with India, Italy, Mexico, Thailand, and Vietnam have also been removed. This move came on the day when the Secretary of the US Treasury visited New Delhi. During her visit, Janet Yellen quoted US President Joe Biden, saying that India is an “indispensable partner to the United States”. Emphasizing … Continue reading Removal from the US monitoring list: A Big Win for India


The USA’s annual inflation hit 6.8%  in November 2021, the highest in nearly 4 decades. The world’s leading hawkish central bank was even more surprised when the Consumer Price Index(CPI) exceeded its estimates and rose 0.8% from October. Inflation, quoted as a ‘Public enemy’ by President Gerald Ford in 1974 and as ‘taxation without legislation’ by Milton Friedman, is a sustained increase in price levels … Continue reading PUBLIC ENEMY AT THE DOOR: US INFLATION AND ITS IMPACT ON INDIA

Trade Policy Forum: Convergence from divergence

The relationship between India and the USA has steadily strengthened after the mistrust caused due to the cold war and India’s nuclear program. This alliance encompasses political and economic areas to become global strategic partners. India currently enjoys a trade surplus with the USA and they contribute to 7% of total Indian imports. The bilateral trade in the current year is assured to surpass the … Continue reading Trade Policy Forum: Convergence from divergence

Change in US Presidency: Implications and Expectations

The entire world watched anxiously the closely contested US presidential elections, which decided the fate of the United States for the next four years. Joe Biden was elected as the 46th president of the United States, in what seemed like one of the longest and closely fought elections in American political history. Kamala Harris created history by becoming the first woman, Asian and woman of … Continue reading Change in US Presidency: Implications and Expectations

Howdy, Modi!

22nd September saw the bonhomie between the world’s biggest and the world’s oldest democracies, when leaders Donald Trump and Narendra Modi, walked together to address the huge gathering of the Indian diaspora at Houston. Apart from the bilateral talks with Trump, Modi also appeared at UN Climate Action Summit and UN General Assembly, but this is the event that gathered the most attention. Why “Howdy, … Continue reading Howdy, Modi!